Monday, May 26, 2014

the ottawa small press book fair / june 6-7, 2014‏

this year's spring edition of the semi-annual ottawa small press book fair is shaping up to be one of the biggest ones yet. held on saturday, june 7, 2014 from noon to 5pm in room 203 of the jack purcell community centre (jack purcell lane, right by gilmour street on elgin), the fair contains the best of the small press in poetry, fiction, comic books and original artwork from publishers, presses and authors in and around ottawa, with exhibitors regularly attending from toronto, montreal, vancouver, the united states and beyond.

now in our twentieth year, some of the exhibitors at our spring fair include a number of regulars, as well as friendly faces we don't get to see as often, including: 40-Watt Spotlight, above/ground press, Ankle Bone Books, AngelHousePress, Apt. 9 Press, Arc Poetry Magazine, Cat & Bean Publishing, Black Radish Books, CC Brunelle, Martin Bueno, BuschekBooks, Bywords, Chaudiere Books, Editions du Rognon, Gesture Press, GiddyPigs, The Grunge Papers, Hark! A Raven Little Magazine, Hopelessly Heroic, In/Words magazine & press, Loose Cannon Press, Luis Lama, Mansfield Press, Mary Kritz, Christian McPherson, Nous-zot Press, Ottawa Arts Review, Passion: Poetry Magazine & Press, Pedlar Press, Phafours, Postscripts to Darkness, Proper Tales Press, Puddles of Sky Press, room 302 books, SABL Cartoon Creations, Salgood Sam, Silgerond Press, Sonderho Press, Superandom Comics, Tekst Editions,Trans-Verse Books and WILDWATERS PUBLISHING.

for further information on the ottawa small press book fair, check here:

and don't forget our pre-fair reading the night before, held at the carleton tavern in parkdale market! lovingly hosted by rob mclennan, the event features readings and launches by Marthe Reed, David Menear, Chris Eaton, Renée Sarojini Saklikar and Nicholas Power. for author bios, check here:

for further information on either event (or both), contact book fair organizer and co-founder rob mclennan at or 613 239 0337

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